
Our Team

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Jan Worland

Principal Solicitor
Bachelor of Law – Macquarie University
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice- University of Technology Sydney
Bachelor of Arts, Diploma of Education, Diploma of Special Education

Jan has specialised in Family Law for over 30 years. She has been admitted to the Supreme Court of NSW and the High Court of Australia. She is unrivalled in her passion to help families during their darkest periods, and assists them to transition to a healthier, happier family unit.

Practicing in the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court, Jan has also extensive legal experience in regional NSW and interstate areas. She also has clients residing overseas that praise her fierce negotiation skills and ability to achieve the best outcome for children and families. 

Jan has a background in Teaching and dealing with clients with health issues and higher needs, making her a specialist providing support to these families in the Family Court process. 

Jan is also a trained Mediator and possesses the advanced skillset in order to negotiate sensitive matters with alternative dispute resolution – without the need for further Court proceedings and expense.

Jan also has a keen interest in Property and Settlement Matters and will fight for your fair share to your hard- earned property.

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Rebecca Garnsey

Bachelor of Law – University of New England (continuing)
Diploma of Languages (Italian) – Macquarie University (continuing)
Post Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing – Macquarie University
First Class Honours (English Literature and Creative Writing)- Macquarie University
First Class Honours (English Literature and Creative Writing)- Macquarie University

Rebecca has a passion for the law and words. Completing Postgraduate studies in Literature, she has now embarked on a law degree as she has lived experience in and around Courtrooms. Her communication and research skills are second to none and she is sensitive to the need for clarity in challenging situations.

Rebecca is always keen to study and seek the best outcomes to support the legal team, providing a practical insight to the often- confusing processes of Family Law.

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Jingting (Sabrina) Zhang

Graduate Certificate in Professional Legal Training- University of Technology Sydney
Juris Doctor – University of Technology Sydney
Bachelor of Law- Ningbo University, China

Prize Winner:

2018 Brennan Justice and Leadership Program
2017 University of Technology Sydney Careers Law Interview Challenge
2017 University of Technology Sydney Accomplish Award
2016 University of Technology Sydney Accomplish Award

Jingting is our rising star in the legal field. She has extensive experience working in firms from the North Shore in Sydney and is currently completing an Advanced Diploma of Translating to further assist our overseas clients. 

She is meticulous in all her undertakings in Family Law and achieves the best outcomes in complicated situations by examining the case at hand with dexterity and precision. Her first-class intellect and dedication to her work have proven her success in the legal field.

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Ruth McKinnon

Legal Clerk
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)- University of Newcastle
Cert IV Small Business Management

Ruth has a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Psychology and takes a pragmatic and holistic approach to her work. She joined the firm in mid-2020 and has exemplary empathy when it comes to dealing with her peers and clients alike, with experience in other legal firms and success in her own small business.

Ruth’s work spills over into many facets of the legal profession and it is her dedication and consummate attention to detail that puts her at the top of her field when dealing with clients and the legal team.

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